Green beans

How long do beans last?

In our regions, ordinary white beans are grown. Her ancestry begins in Latin America. Even during the time of the Aztecs, the plant proved itself well. And the sailors followed the example of the aborigines and brought such plants to their homeland. In ancient times, plants were not only eaten, but also used for medicinal purposes.

To store beans, you must clearly understand why you want to do it.

By harvesting the crop correctly, you will complete one task.

The second will be to properly store the beans.

It depends on what goal you have in front of you:

  1. You can eat beans.
  2. Save legumes for future harvest seeds.

Both cases occur. But they are different in purpose, so storage must be appropriate.

If there are no conditions for drying legumes outside, they can be dried at home. At home, beans are dried in the oven. First, turn on the temperature to 50-60 degrees, and it dries there on a baking sheet for 60 minutes. Then the temperature is increased to 70 degrees and the legumes are dried for 6-10 hours.

Beans in pods are dried in the same way. But for this, the pods are first washed, dried from water and cut into pieces. And then, in the same way as without the pods, the beans are dried in the oven.

If you put the beans in plastic bags in the freezer for three days, then all the pests will be destroyed there, and in winter they can be stored in another place, without problems. Know that freezing and heating legumes only kills pests. But they still have the ability to germinate. And you will reap the harvest next season without any problems.

The storage conditions for beans are the same for all types. The main thing is to create a normal level of humidity and temperature.

Lower temperatures promote long-term storage of bean grains. It is best if the temperature is at the level of 5°C - 10°C. In this case, the air humidity should be no higher than 50% so that the beans do not become moldy. If this happens, the product will acquire an unpleasant odor and lose its presentation. It will no longer be possible to use such a product.

Storing beans for the winter can be done without problems in a city apartment, under natural conditions. The main thing is that the place where it is stored is dry and dark. A kitchen cabinet or pencil case located as far as possible from the stove is a good option.

  • The shelf life of beans in canvas bags is 2 - 3 years, provided they are properly prepared.
  • Under the same conditions (room temperature), beans that are in a glass container and hermetically sealed will be able to retain their original properties for 4-6 years.
  • The shelf life of canned beans is 2 years.
  • Freshly harvested, unpeeled beans in pods, even if refrigerated, will last no more than 4 days.
  • Peeled legumes will last up to six months in the refrigerator.
  • And if frozen, the shelf life of fresh beans in pods will increase to 6 months. It is important to soak the legumes for 2 - 3 minutes in boiling water before freezing.

Seeds of legumes are often affected by bean weevil, or bruchus. The small bug reproduces quickly, laying 30-50 larvae. They grow into adults in a few weeks. Favorable factors are high humidity and warmth. Insects penetrate the bean pods while still on the site, eat the fruits, leaving large tunnels with the products of their vital activity. Damaged seeds cannot be used as planting material or for cooking.

Important! You need to get rid of bugs even before sowing the seeds. If infected grains get into the soil, the pest will ruin the entire crop.

To prevent beans from getting bugs, they should be stored at home, following these recommendations:

  1. The grains should be elastic, without plaque, stains or damage. Black dots on the surface indicate infestation by bugs. These beans need to be thrown away.
  2. Do not store grains in pods. It will not be possible to inspect them, and rapid drying can lead to rotting.
  3. The grains cannot be washed. They need to be dried well, because... moisture causes mold to appear.
  4. When storing supplies in fabric bags, place a few cloves of garlic or dill seeds inside. For 1 kg of product you will need 20 g of seasoning. The specific aroma repels insect pests.
  5. It is recommended to pour a little ash into a glass jar with grains. It will become an obstacle to bugs from entering the container. The ashes are easily and completely washed off with water.
  6. The weevil does not tolerate the smell of printing ink. The pest will not appear if the bottom of the box or box is covered with newspaper.

After harvesting and drying, the beans are stored in an airtight container: a glass jar with a lid, a plastic bag or a plastic container. You can also store supplies in a canvas bag. It must first be soaked in a saline solution and dried without rinsing. This impregnation will protect the crop from harmful insects.

Important! Jars must be sealed with metal or glass lids, because... plastic ones allow air to pass through. However, you need to remember that in an airtight container the seeds lose their viability.

Warm and moist air promotes bean germination. Therefore, food supplies should be placed in a dark, cool place. The grains tolerate low temperatures well and do not lose their nutritional qualities. To prevent beans from getting bugs, you need to store them in the refrigerator until winter. When frost sets in, the container with grains should be moved to an insulated balcony. Beans left for the winter can be stored in the utility room, having gotten rid of rodents in advance.

Beans have a certain shelf life, which is not recommended to be exceeded. But it can become smaller if suitable conditions are not provided - normal humidity and temperature. It is advised to store dry beans at low thermometer readings, which are in the range of 5... 10˚C. The humidity in the place where it is stored should not exceed 50% - if this regime is followed, it will not mold.

Dry beans can be stored in an apartment without any problems, the main thing is that they are protected from contact with direct sunlight and are also hermetically sealed in a jar. Then there will be stable temperature and humidity levels inside the container. This way you can prepare beans for the winter, but storage conditions must be observed, therefore, in order to prevent exposure to elevated temperatures, it is better to leave the jar as far as possible from heat sources.

Attention! A sign that beans - white, red or other - are no longer suitable for consumption is an unpleasant odor and loss of their original (marketable) appearance. If spots or other damage has formed on the surface of the beans, they are too moist and can no longer be eaten.

In the case of canned beans, the expiration date is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Often such a product can be consumed for 1-3 years from the date of packaging. However, the shelf life of canned beans depends on the type of packaging - in polymer it is suitable for less time. In tin cans and glass jars, the storage time is significantly different.

Canned beans are stored at a temperature of 0... 25C and at a humidity of up to 75%. In this case, its shelf life is from 2 to 3 years, and the exact one depends on the type of sealed packaging. In accordance with the standards, beans are preserved in glass and metal jars (including those with an internal enamel coating), as well as in containers made of combined and polymer materials. The shelf life of canned beans, the sealing of which is not broken, is as follows:

  • glass containers – up to 3 years;
  • metal can – 2 years;
  • metal container with internal coating – up to 3 years;
  • polymer and combined packaging – 2 years.

Reference! Storage standards and expiration dates are regulated by SanPiN

After opening

When the seal of canned beans is already broken, the manufacturer does not recommend consuming them after 24 hours. But, if you transfer the beans to an airtight container immediately after opening the package and close it with a tight-fitting lid, the beans are usable for at least 4-6 hours (at room temperature).

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor or a change in the original aroma;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the surface or film due to weathering;
  • the appearance of mold;
  • change in the consistency of the product (except for thickening due to cooling).

Beans – dry or canned, used as an independent dish or as part of others. Its shelf life depends on storage conditions. Dry beans are not recommended to be stored for longer than 2 years, but if the rules are followed, they can last up to 5 years or more. In the case of a canned product, its maximum shelf life is 3 years, but much depends on the type of packaging.

The main pest of all legumes is the bean weevil. This bug lives in all places where beans are stored, in summer cottages and vegetable gardens, on the plants themselves in the pods. In addition to suitable weather conditions, their development and growth require nutrition. They use beans as food.

Additionally, bean pods serve as a place for grains to lay eggs. One adult female can lay up to 50 of them. After 20 days, the larvae that hatch from the clutch turn into adults and begin to devour the reserves.

How to determine product quality

To determine quality, you need to look at the shelf life of the beans. If the period has already expired, the product cannot be stored for long. In this case, there is no point in thinking about how to preserve such beans so that bugs do not infest them.

Quality dry beans look like this:

  • the surface is smooth, not rough, without dents;
  • the color is bright and uniform, without gray inclusions or brown spots;
  • there are no small holes on the surface;
  • all beans are approximately the same size.

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If the product gives off an unpleasant smell of dampness or mold, the beans are spoiled. If condensation has accumulated in the bag and there are droplets of moisture on the seeds, it is recommended to remove the beans from the container and dry them again on newspaper until completely dry.

To successfully combat insect pests, you need to comply with the storage conditions of products, and also periodically inspect the cabinet where legumes and cereals are stored. If there are any signs of a bug, you should get rid of the affected beans and take measures to prevent the spread of pests.

How long can beans be stored?

If your beans are already three years old, then I would not recommend tempting fate, and recommend throwing them in the trash. Typically, well-dried beans that are stored properly (airtight in a jar in a dark place) have a shelf life of two years. Even if it looks good, this is not a guarantee that it does not contain toxins released by fungi during life. My advice, don't take risks!

Beans, like other legumes, can be stored for quite a long time - for years. The main thing is to store it correctly. In order for beans to be stored for a long time, certain conditions must be met:

1 The beans must be ripe.

2 Before removing the beans from the storage area, they must be dried very well. If you don’t have a special dryer, you can dry it in a dry room by simply spreading it out on a newspaper in a thin layer and stirring it daily so that it doesn’t sit too long. It's good if it's near the battery.

3 Beans should be placed in “breathable” containers or bags and stored in a cool, dry place. There should be no moisture and there should be no access for insects. Well-dried beans are also stored well, simply closed in a glass jar with a plastic lid in a dark room.

Beans, like other legumes, are stored for a very long time, but still not forever. Three years is a completely acceptable period for it and there will be no temptation of fate when eating beans that have lain in a dry and cool place for three years. It is usually believed that the shelf life of beans is just 2-3 years, and during this time the beans do not lose their nutritional and taste properties. This is if you use beans for cooking. But as you know, beans are also planted, and many people do. And it turns out that bean seeds can be safely stored for an even longer time. For example, 5 or even 7 years. In this case, of course, the germination rate of the seeds will decrease, but since beans are always soaked before planting, it is always possible to discard seeds that will not sprout.

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All types of white polished rice retain their taste for many years. Make sure the rice is dried and stored in an airtight container. It can only be spoiled by mold, odors from other products and bugs. Brown rice does not store well and contains a lot of oils that go rancid.

Due to the fact that honey is full of enzymes that inhibit the growth of bacteria, it has an almost unlimited shelf life. Unless it's diluted, of course. Crystallized honey can be gently heated in a water bath. Remember, at temperatures above 60 degrees it loses some of its beneficial properties.

Never spoils. The only danger is that the lid is not tightly closed; it can simply evaporate.


Everyone knows that cognacs and whiskeys only get better with age. Even vodka does not lose its strength, although no positive changes occur in it.

Natural vanilla extract in alcohol (not a substitute) will be stored in a sealed bottle for many, many years. Stock up, there will still be enough for your granddaughters to bake.


The only thing that can ruin them is bugs. In all other cases, legumes have an unlimited shelf life.

Has an unlimited shelf life, with one exception. Iodized salt can be stored for no more than 5 years.


Granulated sugar, refined sugar - can lie in a pack for many years and not deteriorate. Its enemies are odors and moisture. He loves to absorb both.

Primary requirements

Following simple but effective rules will preserve the product for a long time. Before long-term storage, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Dry the beans in dry and sunny weather. To do this, lay out the collected pods on a flat area and leave them until the evening. After sunset, the crop is collected in boxes, bags or boxes, and the next day it is taken out again to dry.
  2. Another way to store beans while drying is to collect the crop in wreaths and hang it in dry weather in a draft. This method is no worse than processing under the sun.
  3. Check the readiness of the beans for further storage. A culture is considered fully ripe if the pods have become yellowish and dried out, with the valves slightly opening. The grain itself should be hard to the touch.
  4. Ripe fruits are removed from the pods and placed in containers (fabric bags, glass jars and other containers that close tightly).
  5. It is best to use metal or glass lids. It is advisable to first hold the fabric bags in a weak salt solution and then dry them thoroughly.
  6. How to store beans at home? After these procedures, it must be placed in a cool room or refrigerator.

How to protect beans from damage by insects

There are several ways to protect the product from pests.

  1. The beans should be placed in cloth bags, with dill or garlic placed inside. Alternatively, you can use a glass jar instead of a bag.
  2. Keep beans at a temperature less than 7 degrees. Insects are afraid of the cold, so they will not touch the product.
  3. Pour the legumes into boxes with newspapers. Pests do not like printing ink, but this method cannot be called the most effective.

In this case, the beans will be stored for up to 5 years, but you need to regularly check for bugs.

How long do beans last?

To increase the shelf life of seeds, lower the room temperature. Food beans are best preserved at temperatures no higher than 10 degrees and no lower than 5 degrees. To protect grains from mold and unpleasant musty odors, the humidity in the storage room should be no higher than 50%. In such conditions, beans best retain their quality and presentation.

When a favorable microclimate is created, the shelf life of dry beans placed in cloth bags is from 2 to 3 years. In hermetically sealed glass jars, the shelf life increases to 8 years. According to GOST, canned beans can be stored for 2 years.

Preparation for storage

If legumes are prepared for storage following certain rules, they will retain their nutritional value for several years.

The crop should be harvested in pods, after which they should dry well for two weeks. This time, as a rule, is enough for the pods to turn yellow and open slightly, and for the grains to become hard.

The next stage of preparation will be to clean the beans from the dried pods. And then calcining them in the oven at 60°C for 30 minutes. In this case, the grains are placed on a baking sheet in one layer. This procedure will rid the crop of insect larvae. But it will no longer be possible to use such beans as planting material.

Beans are best stored in glass containers with tight-fitting lids. Canvas bags are also used, which are pre-soaked in a concentrated salt solution and dried well.

Beans should not be washed before storing. Also, for storing legumes, you should not use containers that can accumulate condensation.

Beans should not be stored near radiators or other heat sources.

Beans are rich in vitamins and minerals. In order for it to be stored as long as possible and not lose its beneficial properties, it must be properly prepared. Well-dried grains can be stored for quite a long time. Preparing grains includes the following steps:

  1. Ripe pods are carefully picked from the bushes.
  2. The beans are left in a sunny place. It can be laid out on the street, attic or balcony. To avoid losing part of the harvest, cover the plants with cloth or paper.
  3. The pods are dried for 7-10 days. They should turn yellow and open slightly, and the grain should harden.
  4. The dried seeds are husked from the pods.
  5. At home, beans can be dried in the oven at 60°C for 30-40 minutes. During heat treatment, the bugs and their larvae will die. These beans can be used for preparing various dishes, but they are not suitable for planting.
  6. If the seeds are needed for growing crops next season, they are kept in the freezer for 3 hours. At a temperature of -10°C, the bean larvae will die, but the germination of the beans will remain.

Long-term storage, subject to compliance with standards and provision of suitable conditions for legumes, guarantees their suitability for several years. In the case of beans, their shelf life increases if the crop is harvested in pods that are dried for a couple of weeks. A sign that the beans have already dried is the yellowing of the pods and their slight opening, while the beans harden.

The shelf life of dry beans increases if, after cleaning them from dried pods, they are heated in the oven for 30 minutes (temperature 60˚C). Spread the beans in 1 layer on a baking sheet. This manipulation eliminates insect larvae that may already be in the product. But such beans can no longer be used as seed. It is better to store beans in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid, and it is recommended that the walls be darkened.

When legumes are planned to be kept for a long time, they are not washed. The shelf life of beans is shorter if the product has been in contact with moisture. Because of this, you should also not leave beans in containers that are made of materials that can absorb water. At home, storing beans in wooden containers or linen bags, due to their ability to accumulate condensation, is unacceptable.

Even if beans are stored in accordance with all the rules, they can be spoiled by pests. Bean grains often appear in stocks. This is a small insect, the larvae of which cannot be visually identified on stocks - they are inside the beans. The bean grain often gets into beans during fruiting or from products stored nearby.

  1. You can store beans in the refrigerator - for domestic conditions this is the best place. If you keep legumes in it, bean borer larvae, even if they are present, will die.
  2. After purchasing already dried beans, you should leave them in a sealed plastic bag inside the freezer for 3 days.
  3. It is worth adding 10-20 g (per 0.5 l) of ash to the jar - this will preserve the product if it is kept in a metal container and at room temperature (18...27˚C). Instead of ashes, it is permissible to use garlic or dill seeds, which must be added to the beans if they are stored in linen bags.
  4. The weevil is repelled by printing ink (smell). Therefore, when the volume of stored beans is large, it is recommended to store them in cardboard boxes, the bottom of which is lined with newspapers - 2-3 layers.

Attention! The bean caryopsis makes large moves in the beans, which are filled with its waste products. The structure is ultimately damaged, and the beans are unsuitable for both eating and planting.

You need to keep the beans cool, so in an apartment environment the refrigerator is a good option. However, if its volume is insufficient, you can leave the beans on the balcony when the temperature outside drops to 7... 10˚C. In the private sector, it is stored either in an unheated attic, or in outbuildings - a barn, a summer kitchen, and the like.

It is permissible to freeze legumes, but this is done only in the case of a freshly harvested product. You can send them to a low-temperature chamber in pods, the main thing is to remove all damaged areas and stalks. Keep at a temperature of -24...-18˚C, then the shelf life is 6 months. The main rules for preparing for freezing are the following:

  • the pods are washed and blanched, immersed in boiling water for 3-5 minutes;
  • the beans are cooled under running water;
  • the beans are dried at room temperature on cotton fabric or paper;
  • when the beans are already dry, they are distributed into bags;
  • in a tightly tied package they are sent to a low-temperature chamber.

It cannot be re-frozen. Because of this, it is recommended that before sending it to the chamber, it should be packaged in portions, so that one contains as much as is used at one time. After defrosting, the legumes must be heat treated within 6 hours. In the refrigerator compartment at a temperature of 2... 8˚C, the product can remain for up to 4-7 days.

For long-term storage, beans harvested in the fall must be properly dried. Then the risk of bean damage by pests can be significantly reduced.

Preparation consists of the following work:

  1. The crop is harvested from the plants in pods.
  2. The blades are left in the sun in a ventilated place. If possible, bundles of pods are hung on the fence. In a city apartment, a balcony is used for drying. A newspaper is spread on the floor and the collected pods are poured onto it.
  3. You need to dry beans at home for 15 days. During this time, the doors dry and open slightly. The beans themselves harden.
  4. Dried bean grains are removed from the pods and poured onto a dry baking sheet. Then heat in the oven for half an hour at 60 degrees.

Pest Control Measures

Most often, legumes are affected by the weevil beetle. This insect is capable of reproducing at high speed once it gets inside the pod. Even if one bean grain is damaged, pests can destroy the entire stock. Moreover, one legume can become a home for twenty larvae.

To store beans to prevent bugs from getting in, you need to adhere to the following recommendations. Or using additional processing before sending for storage.

  • The weevil beetle runs without looking back from the smell of garlic and dill. With these spices, storing beans will be safe and will be successful in a cool pantry.
  • The weevil beetle stops reproducing at low temperatures, and at -10°C it dies completely.
  • Cold processing of beans most often occurs in the freezer. To do this, the legumes must be placed at a temperature of less than -10°C for up to 3 days.
  • Calcination is carried out in the oven at a temperature of about 60°C for 20 - 30 minutes. In this case, the shell of the grains will become wrinkled, but the taste will remain the same. The bug cannot withstand heat treatment and dies, after which the beans are cooled and placed in storage containers with tight lids.
  • The weevil beetle runs without looking back from the smell of garlic and dill. With these spices, storing beans will be safe and will be successful in a cool pantry.
  • The weevil beetle stops reproducing at low temperatures, and at -10°C it dies completely.
  • Cold processing of beans most often occurs in the freezer. To do this, the legumes must be placed at a temperature of less than -10°C for up to 3 days.
  • Calcination is carried out in the oven at a temperature of about 60°C for 20 - 30 minutes. In this case, the shell of the grains will become wrinkled, but the taste will remain the same. The bug cannot withstand heat treatment and dies, after which the beans are cooled and placed in storage containers with tight lids.

Secrets of fighting bugs

Before storing beans by placing them in an airtight container or canvas bag, they must be sorted out, removing rotten specimens affected by fungus or insects. You need to immediately think about how to store beans to prevent bugs from infesting them.

Storing beans separately from other cereals and legumes is an effective way to protect supplies from dangerous pests. To prevent bugs from infesting home containers with legumes, the product should only be placed in a dry container.

The main pest is the weevil. When dealing with it you need to know that:

  • the grain does not like pungent odors, so you can place a sprig of dill or a couple of cloves of garlic in the jar along with the grains;
  • insects are repelled by the smell of printing ink. Before putting beans into a box or jar, it is recommended to place a sheet of old newspaper in it;
  • if you have dried rosemary at home, the best way to fight the bug is to place a couple of sprigs in a jar;
  • If any food pests live in the cupboard where supplies are stored, you should not place grains there. It is known that pests of cereals and peas are also not averse to profiting from legumes.

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In order for a large harvest of legumes to be stored well, the jars need to be sterilized and a little ash poured into the bottom. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the grains when removing them from the jar to prepare various dishes. Ash prevents the appearance of fungus and mold, and also repels insects.

Pests do not like the cold, so jars or boxes should be kept in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator, otherwise the product will lose its beneficial properties).

Storing ready meals

  • To store cooked beans for as long as possible, they are left in the liquid in which they were cooked, covered with a lid and placed in a cold place. Under such conditions, beans boiled without spices will last up to 5 days.
  • Frozen storage of boiled beans can last for quite a long time, and the semi-finished product will not lose quality. This preparation can be used for preparing many dishes, and also as a filling for baked goods.
  • Well-cooked and cooled beans should be frozen. It is portioned into bags, hermetically sealed and sent to the freezer. And like all other legumes, it cannot be defrosted again.

The main task when storing beans is to protect them from pests. It is also necessary to observe the appropriate temperature and air humidity. If you do everything correctly, you can store beans at home for several years.

Period and storage conditions of beans for the winter 5 (100%) 1 vote

Beans are a tasty and healthy legume. Every year she pleases with a good harvest. However, you can lose it if you don’t know how to properly store beans. Of particular danger are bugs that can destroy supplies in just a couple of months. In order for the product to remain intact for a long time, it must be stored under suitable conditions. What is the expiration date and can I eat expired beans?

The main task when storing beans is to protect them from pests. It is also necessary to observe the appropriate temperature and air humidity. If you do everything correctly, you can store beans at home for several years.

Shelf life of dry beans

Most often, insects attack products that have expired. Before storing beans, to prevent bugs from getting in, you need to stick a label on the container or bag with the date of packaging (for example, “2020”). The shelf life of dry beans depends on the variety and storage conditions. Storage in plastic bags is not recommended, as seeds deteriorate faster in this packaging.

Experts say that the average shelf life of dry bean grains is twenty-four months, that is, two years. This legume can be stored longer (up to six years), but starting from the third year, the seeds are gradually deprived of vitamins and other useful substances. This is due to the drying out of the grains.

If the beans have been in the jar for more than two years and have become deformed in appearance, it is not recommended to eat them. A change in color from white (red) to gray or the appearance of gray spots indicates that the grains have been affected by a fungus. This often happens in the third or fourth year of storage, especially with high air humidity.

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Is it possible to freeze beans in pods?

You can feel the smell of summer in winter thanks to frozen green pods. To do this, you need to prepare them before freezing:

  • The tips of smooth, healthy pods are removed. Then they are cut into equal small pieces.
  • The pieces should be boiled in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. You need to put very little salt in the water.
  • The cooked pieces should be placed on a clean, dry cloth to dry. To better preserve the vitamins after hot processing, you can place the boiled beans in water with ice.
  • Vitamins are preserved in boiled beans. Boiled beans, by the way, taste very good. Although many people say that there is nothing tastier than boiled beans.
  • The pods must be perfectly dry before freezing. Where should I store them? The pods are placed in small bags. It will be convenient when you need them. The bags must be tightly tied and the containers tightly closed.

These conditions will help the vegetable to overwinter well in the freezer. Because the boiled beans are in a safe place. And there is nothing complicated about how to properly store beans in the freezer.

To prevent bugs from getting into the beans, the container is tightly closed. To ensure tightness, special jars or other containers are used, equipped with vacuum lids and special pumps for pumping out air.

The prepared beans are poured into such a container and sealed with a lid with a silicone valve. By connecting the pump, air is pumped out of the can or container through the valve. In an airless space, fungi and caryopsis larvae do not develop. Therefore, the harvest is preserved for a long time. During the entire storage period, the jar is periodically opened and the beans are sorted. All wrinkled, damaged grains are removed and discarded.

To store asparagus varieties, they can be frozen. Fresh pods just picked from the bushes are processed in this way. To begin with, they are washed and the tails are cut off with a sharp knife or scissors. All suspicious spots and damaged areas on the pod are cut out. For ease of further use during cooking, you can cut the green pods into several parts.

After slicing, the prepared raw materials are blanched. To do this, place the pods in a colander and place them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then immediately transfer it under cold running water. This processing preserves the natural taste of the product and its beneficial qualities.

After this, the pods are dried on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. Otherwise, during freezing, the product will become covered with ice and will cease to be aromatic. The beans prepared in this way are placed in bags. A serving should contain enough product to cook one dish. Thawed beans should not be re-frozen.

To prevent these unexpected guests from being in the jars of legumes, you need to put garlic in them. If you store it in a small jar, you can put it without the heads. and the cloves.

Also, legumes are also disinfected from pests using dill or ash. If the grains were not subjected to heat treatment, but were only air dried, then they should be kept directly in bags in the freezer. Fruits are stored in jars only under iron lids. Polyethylene allows oxygen to pass through.

And now vacuum caps and pumps are on sale. Pour the beans into regular jars and cover with lids with a silicone valve. And then you pump out the air through this device using a pump. A vacuum space is created for the product and they will remain safe and sound for a long time.

If you harvested green pods, freeze them. Before freezing, pods:

  1. Wash it.
  2. Trim the ponytails.
  3. Cut into pieces.
  4. Place in boiling water.
  5. Boil for 3-4 minutes
  6. Place on a paper towel.
  7. Once dry, distribute into bags and freeze.

Thus, the products will be stored for a long time.

How to store beans at home

The grains should be placed in a small fabric bag. Place garlic or several branches of dill inside. They secrete substances that can repel pests. Store the bags on the balcony or in the pantry. It is not necessary to freeze the pests out. They are afraid of cold temperatures below 7ºC. Therefore, you can simply store the fruits in a cold place.

We suggest you read: How to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits

For room temperatures, storage in glass with ash can be used. Pests don't like printing ink. The box can be lined with newspapers and stored there. But this method is not the most effective.

To prepare beans for storage, you need to select containers and premises, and create optimal conditions. Several container options can be selected for the preparation. For cans, the main requirement is the possible creation of a seal. The material can be any:

Canned beans

This preparation is an excellent way to preserve the bean harvest for the winter. Canned food prepared according to all the rules is stored for two years.


  • 0.5 kg beans;
  • 1 liter of cold water;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 7 tsp. table vinegar;
  • cloves to taste;
  • black peppercorns to taste;
  • cold water for soaking.

The beans are soaked for 7 hours in cold water. Then the liquid is drained and the beans are transferred to a clean pan. Add cold water according to the recipe, add sugar, salt and spices.

Bring the contents of the container to a boil over low heat and boil for 1.5 hours. Periodically check the readiness of the beans with the tip of a knife. If the beans yield easily to pressure, they are ready.

Add vinegar to the pan and immediately turn off the heat. The finished product is placed in sterilized jars and hermetically sealed with tin lids.

Canning beans

Canning is a practical way to preserve beans over the winter. The preparation is used as a side dish and as part of various dishes. The recipe for canned beans is quite simple:

  1. 500 g of product is soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water.
  2. Place the beans in a saucepan and add 1 liter of water. Then add 40 g of salt and sugar. Add peppercorns and cloves to taste.
  3. The grains are cooked over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Check readiness with the tip of a knife.
  4. Add 7 tsp. table vinegar and turn off the stove.
  5. Sterile jars are filled with the finished product and sealed hermetically.

Legumes can be canned along with other vegetables. To do this you will need 0.5 kg of beans, onions and carrots, 250 ml of sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. 9% vinegar, salt and peppercorns. The beans are washed, soaked for 12 hours and boiled until tender. Onions and carrots are chopped and stewed separately. All ingredients are mixed, then boiled for 10 minutes. Add vinegar, spices to taste and remove from heat. Then the vegetables are placed in sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

On a note! Hot cans of beans should be wrapped in a blanket. When the workpieces have cooled, they need to be placed in a cool place.

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