How long and how to store mushrooms in the refrigerator
I declare the forest hunting season open! Oh, how I love to wander through the forest, breathing in
Profiteroles on protvina
How long can Napoleon cakes be stored?
Regular readers know well my love of cooking and eating delicious food since childhood. Wherein
How to make suluguni cheese at home
What is suluguni? Among other types of fermented milk products, cheese has a spicy, salty taste and
How to store fresh collected mussels. Delicious mussels
How to choose seafood Fresh mussels smell exclusively of the sea. If there is an unpleasant odor and foreign
how to choose ripe and sweet pomegranate
What to do if the pomegranate is not ripe
Natural vitamin and mineral complex Vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium,
How to Freeze Chokeberries for the Winter
Preparations made from chokeberry for the winter have many beneficial properties. Rowan berries were used by our
How to properly store ripe and green bananas
Just a few decades ago, bananas were truly exotic for Russian residents. But today these
Sprouted grains are not a panacea: limitations and contraindications
The healing effects of sprouted grains
How to germinate wheat Wheat is not capricious. It is easy to germinate at home. Need to take
What food to take on the road by car, for a child, an adult, in summer, winter, spring, autumn. What food to take on the road by train or bus. How to store food on the go
What products to take with you on the road? If you have to spend quite a lot of time
Why did foam appear in the jar of compote? Cherry compote for the winter
During the summer months, the kitchens of many housewives essentially turn into mini-canneries, where
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