Crafts from rowan berries for children. Beautiful DIY crafts from rowan for children



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Candied flowers and leaves

To decorate the cake, flowers such as violet, primrose, narcissus, freesia, and fuchsia are suitable for you. Cut or purchase flowers for candying immediately before processing. Choose buds that are barely opening.

You will need the lightly beaten white of one egg and fine granulated sugar.

Blot any moisture from the flowers with a paper towel and leave a small section of stem if possible. Using a thin watercolor brush, apply the beaten egg white to the stem.

Using a spoon, sprinkle granulated sugar evenly on both sides of the flowers and carefully shake off the excess.

Leave the flowers to dry in a warm place on a wire rack covered with paper towels. Some flowers should be dried on paper, spread out, with the stem facing up. Coat the leaves with granulated sugar in the same way. It is better if they have beautiful outlines.

Store dried flowers in a box between layers of paper towel. Be careful not to damage them. Use to decorate any cakes.

Cut long thin branches of trees or shrubs - they should bend easily and not break. Willow and redwood are well suited.

How to preserve fresh flowers - three popular methods

By conservation we do not mean putting plants in jars under a lid. Everything is much simpler: flowers must be treated with special means, which, however, are available in every home. As a result, the bouquet remains almost as fresh as after cutting. It all depends on what you treat the plants with and which ones. Most flowering garden crops lend themselves well to canning. For example, irises, hosta, peonies, camellias, gladioli, and gypsophila remain fresh. You can also preserve whole branches of various shrubs. The shoots of barberry, dogwood, and juniper retain their appearance and look beautiful in flower arrangements.

So, you can preserve flowers by treating them:

  • hairspray;
  • wax;
  • glycerin.


The easiest way and, perhaps, the most affordable, because every woman has nail polish. It's better to take a strong hold product and simply spray it generously onto the flowers, covering them with a thick ball of varnish. All that's left is to let them dry thoroughly. To do this, hang the plants upside down and leave them in this position for about a week.

To ensure that flowers preserved with varnish are stored longer and do not become brittle and brittle, first remove excess moisture. Place them in a box with silica gel or sand for 7 days.

Canning wax

Place the wax in a water bath, and while it is melting, prepare a bucket of cold water. Hold the flower with long tweezers, dip it completely into the solution and immediately place it in water to harden the wax again. The plants will retain their shape and will be easy to clean from dust with a brush.

To keep flowers in wax longer, do not place them in the sun.

Glycerin canning

Heat 2 parts of soft water and dilute 1 part of glycerin in them (sold in bottles in pharmacies). While the solution is cooling, trim the stems of the flowers, making a very pointed oblique cut. Additionally, cut notches on it or knead it so that the solution is better absorbed. Pour the diluted glycerin into the vase, place the flowers as usual, and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. During this time, they will be saturated with glycerin, which will displace the liquid. The end of the canning process will be indicated by droplets on the tips of the leaves. Such flowers will last a long time in an empty vase or in dry sand.

Now I definitely bring rowan fruits from the dacha. Incredibly beautiful result

Beauty autumn has already entered her domain. The changeable weather has long been noticeable; it began to drizzle. A lot of yellow, red, burgundy, orange and even purple palettes appeared. If you want to create a cozy mood at home, then why not let the autumn colors into your apartment door? After all, you can easily make autumn compositions from foliage, rowan berries and other fruits. Rowan is an ideal material for autumn creativity, which can warm the soul with its bright colors even in severe frosts. Therefore, today we want to present to you a selection of 21 bright compositions using the gifts of autumn.

Compositions from autumn materials

Multi-layer wreath with dry lavender, greenery, apples and decorative pumpkins

A bouquet without flowers - from pine cones and more. Yes, imagine, this happens, isn’t it, it’s just magic.

Simple compositions from rowan fruits are a decoration not only for the garden, but also for the home.

A candlestick made from natural materials will add a special romantic mood and comfort.

An extraordinary approach to decorating your home and creating an autumn composition. Let's take note.

An amazing riot of colors!

A couple more original ideas for a wreath on the door!

You don't have to be a florist to create compositional masterpieces. The main thing is to show your imagination!

Pumpkin is an ideal fruit for creating autumn bouquets.

If you are not in the mood to make something, but the desire for a drop of autumn to appear at home exists, take a walk along the street and simply collect the gifts of nature. Pick a couple of autumn leaves, a branch of rosehip, rowan, look for sea buckthorn, pick flowers, collect it all in a huge bouquet, put it in a vase and enjoy the autumn still life.

Simple compositions from rowan fruits are a decoration not only for the garden, but also for the home.

How to make winter bouquets with your own hands?

The main rule to follow is the creative process in your work. Rely on your taste, don’t be afraid to combine different materials, and then everything will certainly turn out just right.

The choice of plants is of great importance when making such winter crafts. Since in the winter months of the year it will not be a problem to find spruce or pine branches, cones, as well as most types of fresh flowers, you will only need to prepare in advance dried flowers and some branches of bushes with berries (for example, rose hips).

Most dried flowers look very beautiful without pre-treatment or painting, so they just need to be cut and dried. In this case, it is advisable to immediately cut off the leaves of dried flowers, since they look unattractive when dried. You can store such blanks for winter crafts in a vase so that they do not wrinkle or fall off ahead of time.

If you plan to use dried leaves when making a bundle bouquet, you need to dry them by placing them between the pages of books.

Since in the cold season the cost of fresh flowers is much higher than in spring or summer, they can also be prepared in advance and dried. For example, to dry roses and many other flowers, they need to be hung with their heads down. When the flowers are dry, they can be placed in a vase.

An excellent alternative to dried flowers would be flowers made from fabric or paper, which are quite easy to make and yet turn out incredibly beautiful and delicate.

Separately, the process of assembling the bouquet and its decoration should be noted. There are no strict rules here, so you can completely rely on your taste and preferences. The only thing you should adhere to is the location of all the components of your craft. In order for everything to look its best, flowers, branches and other components should be placed at different levels and at different angles.

Beautiful winter bouquets with your own hands

If this is your first time making winter crafts with your own hands, you can make your work a little easier. For example, you can use a tree branch as a base, and lay out the rest of the composition around it at different heights.

Since beautiful bouquets are mainly made from natural materials and dried flowers or berries, they last longer than arrangements made from fresh flowers. However, if you want your winter composition to not only please you for a long time, but also remain beautiful, it is advisable to place it in a place where there is no direct rays of the sun.

DIY winter bouquets: ideas

Options for crafts from pine cones: in winter, when it’s cold outside and it gets dark early, you can do such an interesting thing as making unusual compositions from pine cones.

Beautiful DIY crafts from red rowan and autumn leaves

  • November 10, 2018
  • Crafts
  • Kira Ifeevskaya

Creativity is always useful for the development of children's thinking; when working with materials, fine motor skills, imagination, and accuracy develop. Also an important factor will be the communication between parents and children while creating crafts. Often in schools and kindergartens they are asked to make products from natural materials for the autumn holiday. An excellent option would be to make a craft from red rowan and autumn leaves.

Often in a city, and especially in a metropolis, a child has little opportunity to communicate with nature. And the joint activity of parents and children to create crafts will contribute to this. After all, in order to start work, you need to find, collect and process material. To do this, you need to go to the nearest park or forest.

When to collect leaves and rowan?

It is important to choose the right time to prepare beautiful material. If the time to collect leaves comes only at the end of September - beginning of October, then rowan berries should be harvested from the end of August. This is when you will find beautiful, glossy, firm berries. They are perfect for children's creativity. Too ripe fruits are not used. Because the berries become soft and with any awkward movement they burst and stain everything around. Working with them is difficult even for an adult. What can we say about the child? Prepare enough material for future crafts so that the child can choose which branch he likes best and will fit better into the composition.

When is red rowan harvested?

To prepare a wide variety of dishes and drinks, you need to wait a certain period after the berries have fully ripened. For jam, wine, liqueurs and tinctures, rowan berries should be collected in November, after the bitterness has gone from the berries. By that time they become tastier and sweeter. Slightly frozen fruits are good for a wide variety of preparations.

  1. Berries for tincture. When to collect red rowan? The main conditions for preparing such alcoholic drinks at home are the pronounced taste and juiciness of rowan berries. The harvest is ready for harvest after the very first autumn frosts or right before them. This is the second half of October or a little later. But you should not allow it to become frozen, otherwise the berries will lose their moisture.
  2. For wine, the harvest time is similar - no later than the beginning of November. By that time, the berries lose some of their astringency, which is not bad for dessert drinks. Dry and semi-dry wines are best made from berries picked in September.
  3. Rowan jam is a rather rare dessert, but it is very tasty, especially if the fruit is harvested on time. When to collect red rowan for jam? If you cook it from ripe, but slightly bitter berries, then the harvest for this can be harvested during the same (above-mentioned) holiday. But the jam will be tastier if you wait until the first frost.

Tips for craftswomen

So, you have collected the required amount of material. How to preserve red rowan for crafts? Rowan should not be washed. This way it will deteriorate faster. Free it from large branches and leaves. Before completely peeling the berries, decide what kind of craft can be made from red rowan? If you make a herbarium and glue it onto cardboard, it is better to completely clear the berries from the branches. This cleaning method is also suitable for making rowan beads. If you decide to make a topiary or a bouquet of autumn gifts, then leave the rowan tassels intact.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of red rowan

Rowan is a very healthy berry and in order to preserve everything useful that is in it, you need to know some rules.

When to collect red rowan

The brighter the rowan, the more beta-carotene it contains. But in order to choose the most suitable rowan for us, we need to decide what we need it for. If you collect rowan before frost, it will be more bitter and sour, but it is during this period that it is collected for further storage. After frost, the berries are sweeter, but they cannot be stored for a long time.

How to store red rowan

Rowan, which was collected for storage (before frost), thanks to sorbic acid, can be stored completely safely for 2 months without freezing and even without refrigeration. Microbes and bacteria will not be able to live in it. But for longer storage, red rowan can be frozen. Frozen berries can be stored for two years.

If you collected rowan for consumption after frost, then the berries should be used as early as possible - this is a perishable product. Can be stored for no more than two weeks in a vacuum container in the refrigerator.

How to save materials for crafts?

Before we move on to the description of the red rowan crafts themselves for kindergarten, we need to say a few words about how to preserve the accompanying material. For a complete craft - autumn leaves. Once you have collected them, you need to keep them in the same condition. The fact is that as soon as the leaves get into a dry room, they immediately begin to dry. And when working, they crumble and curl very much. To avoid this effect, you need to put them between the pages of books for several days. This will give them an even shape and make them easy to work with. This method requires a certain amount of time. Therefore, it is best to dry the leaves with an iron. Set the iron to medium heat, take two rags or pieces of paper, place the leaves between them and start ironing. In just a few minutes they will be ready for use.

Now that all the materials are ready, you can consider several options for crafts made from red rowan and leaves.

How to collect chokeberry

The berry ripening period occurs at the end of summer and end of autumn. It is during this time that the berry comes to full readiness. Before actually harvesting, you need to decide what exactly you need the berry for and collect it in accordance with the instructions.

In order to determine at what stage of maturity a chokeberry is, take one berry and gently press it to extract juice. Light-colored juice indicates that the rowan is not yet fully ripe and is not ready for consumption, while dark-purple juice is proof that the berry is completely ready for consumption.

Red rowan

(Latin name S?rbus). More than 100 species of rowan are known. The wonderful properties of red rowan have been known since ancient times and were used in treatment and in the preparation of various dishes and drinks by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Human health greatly depends on what we eat. Today we pay attention to a simple and useful product - red rowan.

Rowan beads. What to do and how to do it correctly?

This craft is perfect for making together by mother and daughter. To make beads, in addition to rowan, you will need: thread (it is better to take a strong one, something like silk), a large needle and scissors. A few tips about the thread. Choose its color based on a shade similar to the berries. When, over time, the rowan begins to lose moisture and decrease in volume, the thread may be visible. And it won't look very nice. Immediately take a piece of thread larger than needed. It is better to cut off the excess at the end rather than tying new pieces to an unfinished product. If you are preparing a craft for the garden, and your mother’s assistant is still very young, then you should not trust the stringing process to a child. Because it happens with a needle. This means that the child may be injured. Just trust the girl to serve the berries or select the most beautiful ones. The process of collecting berries into beads is a very painstaking task. When placing it on the needle, you should try not to damage the berries. To do this, insert the needle only along the direction of the cutting.

Plant more berries right away. Then leave the rowan craft to dry for several days. After some time, the berries will become smaller due to lost moisture. Then the beads will have to be tightened, and accordingly their length will decrease. This decoration can be functional and will go perfectly with an outfit for an autumn garden party. You will see, made by joint efforts, the girl will like this craft. And soon she will want to repeat it herself for her toys.

Topiary made of rowan and leaves

Topiary is a tree that, according to Eastern religion, brings happiness to the home. This DIY red rowan craft is perfect for kindergarten and first grade at school. Mothers of boys can also make it together with their assistants. This work will involve not only rowan berries, but also other natural materials. So, you will need colorful autumn leaves, pine cones, acorns, and tree branches. Let's start making crafts from rowan. To work, you will also need an unnecessary flower pot or glass. A plastic one is best to avoid the risk of broken glass, especially since glass is very heavy. Place crumpled paper or cardboard in a glass or pot and secure with a glue gun. Then we take a dry branch and glue it to the contents of the glass or to its bottom. To prepare the crown itself, roll a ball out of paper or make it out of cardboard. We cut a small hole and put the ball on a dry branch. We fix everything with glue. After that, we move on to the most interesting part – the decor. You can place moss and small leaves in a glass, thereby imitating earth. And on the ball itself you need to glue acorns, leaves and rowan berries.

DIY winter bouquets: photos

To create this type of composition, you can use flowers, spruce or pine branches, cones, dried flowers, dried berries, tree bark and branches, moss, beads, Christmas tree decorations and much more.

It is generally accepted that a bouquet must certainly stand in a vase. However, this is not quite true. Of course, when it comes to flower bundles that need water, a vase is the most suitable place for them. In the case of winter bouquets, you can deviate a little from this rule.

For example, bouquet compositions that are placed in baskets, wicker vases or flower pots look very beautiful. In this case, to stabilize the parts, you can use floral foam, plasticine, salt dough or some natural materials.

In addition, the compositions look great if you simply decorate them with a mantelpiece, sideboard or window sill.

Garland of leaves and berries

Another craft from rowan that will be easy to make is an autumn garland. For this you will need colored paper. From it you need to cut out multi-colored confetti that matches the color scheme. Take a long thread, we also recommend choosing a durable material, and using a needle, begin to thread confetti, dry leaves and rowan berries onto it. You do everything in a chaotic order, following your imagination. After everything is collected on the thread, secure the ends with a knot and hang this autumn garland on the window. Or decorate your doorway with it. Moreover, such a craft made from rowan can be hung either horizontally, one or several, hung vertically, thus making a curtain for a window or door. This kind of creative work is more suitable for younger children, since it does not have any particular difficulties. You can admire such a garland at home until the onset of cold weather.

Doll-amulet Rowan

From two rowan twigs, a small string of rowan beads (or any red-orange beads), a piece of cotton wool and several scraps of fabric and braid, you can make a beautiful folk amulet doll

Rowan, which protects the house from evil and misfortune. The main thing in this doll is the rowan twigs.


  • a rectangular piece of red cotton or linen fabric;
  • a square of white matter;
  • colored patches for a scarf and apron;
  • a piece of braid for a headband;
  • red cord for belt;
  • rowan beads;
  • strong cotton or wool red thread.

The twigs need to be carefully cut so that one is shorter than the other: it will make handles. We fold the twigs crosswise and tie them with red thread.

We place a piece of cotton wool on the top of the long twig, trying to give it a spherical shape.

Then we take a square piece of white fabric, cover it with cotton wool and tie it tightly with red thread, forming a head. You need to try to straighten the fabric so that no folds form on the “face”. The flap is positioned so that its corners form something like sleeves for twig handles. We fasten the fabric to the “wrists”, also tying it with red thread.

The photo shows how to form the “chest” of a doll from another piece of cotton wool, but this detail can be omitted.

Now it's time to dress Rowan. We take a red rectangular piece, the length of which is equal to double the distance from the “shoulders” to the end of the long twig. Traditionally, scissors are not used to make amulets dolls; all fabrics are torn by hand, but for children's handicrafts you can't do without scissors. Cut the flap lengthwise to make 2 long strips. We wrap them around the doll as shown in the photo, so that it looks like a sundress. We tie the sundress with a belt, and use it to fasten the apron.

We attach a piece of braid to the doll’s head in the form of a headband, over which we tie a scarf. All that remains is to give the doll a string of rowan beads, and Bereginya Ryabinka is ready.

Children love making dolls, and the process of making Rowan will certainly be interesting to them. Along the way, you can come up with a fairy tale about a doll made of rowan twigs.

If for some reason natural materials for creativity are not available to you, create from what you have at hand: cereals, newspapers, clothespins... The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination, and you will succeed!

In autumn it is important to make crafts from natural materials. Children create figures with their own hands from chestnuts, acorns, vegetables and fruits, and by adding moss, twigs and leaves, original compositions are obtained. No less attractive crafts are made from rowan for children, since the products do not require much skill. Red berries will add freshness to future masterpieces.

The crafts are quite simple to make. They are easy to make and add a pleasant atmosphere to your home. Viburnum is used to create unusual panels, voluminous appliqués, and plant bouquets combined from rowan branches and tree leaves.

Rowan beads

Using rowan berries in children's creativity is quite a fascinating process. Having the fruits of the tree at your disposal, you can make beautiful beads.

To work you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a needle with strong thread;
  • rowan berries.

A child can make such beads himself. And if you are afraid to trust him with a needle, replace it with wire. Picking berries and stringing them on a wire develops fine motor skills. This activity will interest not only girls, but also boys. They can give a gift to the mother, grandmother or girl they like.

The rowan berry looks very beautiful. Adults associate it with medicinal properties, but children immediately imagine what crafts they can make from rowan with their own hands. If you pick a few berries, your child will enjoy the creative process. Rowan berries can be used to make not only beads, but also arm bracelets, and even hairpins. It is enough to string the berries on a strong thread, and the original decoration is ready. To make a hairpin, tie the pendant to a bobby pin.

DIY crafts from rowan in autumn

A very beautiful ornamental tree is made from rowan berries. It will decorate a living room or children's room. It will look original in the kitchen, breathing a breath of fresh air into the room.

For work, prepare the following materials:

  • flowerpot;
  • rowan sprigs with berries;
  • beads or pebbles for filling the pot;
  • corn husks or beads;
  • tree branch;
  • wire.

A tree branch will serve as a trunk. The leaves can be replaced with corn husks or made from beads. Leaves and berries are fastened with wire. Insert the workpiece into the pot and pour pebbles or beads into it.

We invite you to watch a video of crafts made from rowan.

.Figures of people and animals made of rowan

The caterpillar is created in a similar way. You need to string the fruits on a fishing line, and place the rosehip berry first in the row, since this will be the head. Attach eyes from plasticine and several legs along the entire length. If desired, you can attach the tongue using a dry sheet of wood. Beads, snakes, caterpillars and similar products are made from several fruits, which makes the craft movable. Touching it with your hands develops fine motor skills.

In addition, berries can be used as an additional material when creating crafts from the gifts of nature: chestnuts, acorns, etc. For example, when creating an animal or a person from rowan, parts of the face are made from oak and chestnut fruits: nose, eyes, ears, neck. They are fixed with a toothpick. If you make a hedgehog out of plasticine and attach a berry instead of a nose, you will get a cute craft. One fruit (apple) can be placed on the back of a hedgehog. Birds are often made from chestnut, but rowan berries are used as the head. In a person who is harvested from acorns, the ears and hands are also replaced with rowan fruit.

Compositional ikebana

Bunches of rowan can add their own touch to creating a composition of leaves and flowers. Ikebana is quite simple to do.

First, prepare a large vase and place a floral sponge there, after wetting it with water. Then insert a bunch of rowan berries and dried flowers into it, periodically adding water to the vase.

Ikebana will delight you for a long time. You can decorate the composition with ears of wheat. Our ancestors considered the rowan tree to be a strong talisman against many diseases and misfortunes, so they hung a rowan branch at the front door.


Many children love to do applique. They often cut out figures from colored paper and glue them onto a landscape sheet. But this type of creativity involves more than just cutting out paper. The applique can be made from rowan berries. To do this, you need to draw a sketch of the future composition with a pencil and stick on natural material. For example, decorate the bottom with leaves, and cover the figure itself with rowan berries, as shown in our picture.

This bouquet is very easy to make. It will become a real decoration of your home. Plus it will last for several months.

Choose a beautiful vase and place a sprig of rowan in it, then apply acrylic paint to the leaves and berries.

Here is another rowan craft for children that can decorate your home. For work, prepare the following materials:

  • a tree branch with a lot of knots;
  • wire;
  • yellow wallpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • rowan berries;
  • glue;
  • gouache;
  • cotton wool


Step 1: Wrap the wire around the branch, leaving room for leaves and berries.

Step 2. Cut out leaves from wallpaper and cardboard.

Step 3. Glue them together over the wire, two at a time;

Step 4. Roll small balls of cotton wool, coat them with glue and let dry;

Step 5: Paint them red and orange;

Step 6. Thread live and homemade berries onto a wire.

The result will be a beautiful brush of rowan.

We invite you to watch a master class on how to make a rowan branch from scrap materials.

DIY crafts made from rowan in the fall. Simple robots and their description.

The unique atmosphere of autumn can settle in your apartment if you try to create decor in it using natural materials. Fortunately, at this time of year you can find it in abundance right in your yard or walking through the air along cozy forest paths. You can pick up a lot of colorful leaves rustling under your feet, collect acorns and chestnuts, but the most colorful nuance will be the fruits of the rowan tree. These red berries will add juiciness to your future creations. Crafts from rowan with the addition of additional elements are easy to make with your own hands. Easy to make, they will bring pleasant comfort to your home. These can be wall panels, bouquets combined from leaves and rowan twigs. Candlesticks and vases using colorful juicy rowan berries. You can make a beautiful decorative rowan tree that will decorate your living room. To make it you will need a flowerpot, several sprigs of rowan with ripe fruits, pebbles for filling the pot (you can use foam for arrangement for these purposes), pebbles can be replaced with beads of different sizes or other decor you have on hand. Leaves for the tree can be made from corn husks, corrugated paper, or you can come up with something yourself using your imagination. For the trunk of the future tree, you can use a strong branch, and to fasten the leaves and rowan you will need wire. The design decision on how to decorate the flowerpot itself is also up to you. First, the rowan branches need to be divided into smaller clusters, then using wire, which will need about 20 cm, we connect them with the leaves, making a bouquet out of them. The joints should be hidden using flower ribbon or any fabric tape. To make twigs from corn husks, you need to wet them with water. Thanks to this, it will become softer. Now you need to tear off the narrow darkened strips along the edges. Then cut the husk itself into strips, the width of which will be about 4 cm, cutting off with a corner on one side. When the tree itself is ready, fill the pot with prepared foam or pebbles. We insert a branch there, having previously cut it with a peg. It should reach to the very bottom, which is necessary for the stability of the tree. We put the finished crown of rowan and leaves on the trunk and attach it with wire.


Flowers in glycerin. We preserve the bouquet dear to our hearts for many years

How to preserve a flower given by a loved one for a long time? You can dry it naturally. But such a plant looks boring and faded. There is a way that allows you to preserve the flower almost in its original form. This method is preserving the plant in glycerin. As a result of this procedure, you get a beautiful and original composition in the form of a glass container, inside of which there are bright and delicate flowers, leaves or whole twigs.

Our article is dedicated to all those who want to learn how to make such products. It tells in detail how to make flowers in glycerin with your own hands. Get acquainted with the information presented and take it into account.

Preserved flowers in glycerin. Description of the manufacturing process

To work you will need:

  • technical glycerin;
  • water;
  • glass container with a wide neck;
  • plants.

How to make flowers in glycerin with your own hands? Follow the instructions. Place the plants in a glass jar. They must be clean and dry. In a separate bowl, mix warm water and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Pour this solution into the container where the plant is already lying. Close the jar with a lid. That's it, the flowers are preserved in glycerin. They will maintain a fresh and bright look for a long time. Some plants may change slightly in color, but this will not affect the quality of the product. The container can be decorated to your liking: tie it with ribbon or braid, glue a decorative butterfly or artificial flower to the lid.

Flowers in glycerin: processing large plants

Whole branches with leaves, flowers and fruits can be preserved almost in their natural form for a long time. To do this, they need to be treated with glycerin. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The twig is washed in running water, dry and damaged leaves and flowers are removed. The plant is dried. The ends of thick stems need to be broken with a hammer. Thin branches can simply be cut with a knife. A solution is prepared from technical glycerin (1 part) and very hot, almost boiling water (2-3 parts) in a deep and wide vessel. The branches are placed in it so that they are completely covered with liquid by 10 centimeters. Cover the vessel with plastic wrap. In this state, the plants are left in glycerin for 15-20 days. During this time, the twigs, foliage and flowers dry out, but at the same time they remain almost natural color and texture.

After processing, the flowers are placed in a vase, and they are stored in this form for several years. Also, ikebana and various compositions can be made from plants dried in this way.

Now you know how to dry and preserve flowers in glycerin, and you can preserve a bouquet dear to your heart for many years.

After processing, the flowers are placed in a vase, and they are stored in this form for several years. Also, ikebana and various compositions can be made from plants dried in this way.

How to dry flowers for a winter bouquet

Surely, every person at least once in his life tried to dry flowers for a herbarium, carefully placing plants between the pages of books or sending fragile thin stems with leaves under a heavy press.

The resulting result, in the form of a flat, but preserving the original outlines of a dried flower or leaf, could then be glued onto paper, sent under glass, framed in a beautiful frame, or used to create beautiful decorative panels. But such specimens turned out to be completely unsuitable for bouquets. How can you try to preserve flowers for a winter bouquet?

Using the method below, it is not at all difficult to learn how to dry flowers, not only preserving their color, but also their shape. From such plants you can easily create extraordinary compositions that fit perfectly into any interior.

The first important condition that should be taken into account is the competent choice of suitable flowers for the future winter bouquet. Plants must be fresh, without signs of wilting, signs of disease or damage by insects. In addition, it is important to make sure that there is no moisture inside the blossoming flower between the petals. Having selected the required number of suitable plants, you can proceed directly to the work itself.

First, the flower stems are cut short and a thin wire is carefully inserted into them. In the future, this will allow you to easily attach the dried flower “cap” to the desired stem. The stems themselves can be dried separately, giving them the desired bend using a wire frame.

The second condition for proper drying concerns the individuality of the plants themselves - it is important to take into account that each type of flower requires the use of its own specific drying method. So, for example, in order to dry a rose while maintaining its lushness and volume, it is recommended to use bulk substances that absorb moisture well (in modern florist stores it is now easy to find even special drying powders intended specifically for this purpose).

Often, ordinary semolina or fine sand, previously calcined in the oven, is used to dry flowers. Having selected one or another type of dehumidifier, we proceed to the most crucial moment of the entire procedure.

To dry plants, you will need a deep box, at the bottom of which a layer of desiccant material 1-2 cm thick is poured. Cut flowers and buds are placed on this layer with the stems down and the desiccant is carefully poured so that it penetrates deep into the cavities between their petals. By controlling the thickness of the layer of granular substance, you can change the shape of the flowers, giving them the appearance of a half-opened bud or, for example, a lushly open rose.

Bell-shaped flowers are dried using small cotton pads, which are carefully filled into the free space inside the bell, being careful not to crush the stamens and pistil. Next, the plant is hung upside down on its own stem and sent to dry in a dark and cool room with good ventilation.

It is better to dry peonies and foxgloves at high temperatures, hanging them, for example, over a heater or placing them in an oven with low heat. If you hang these plants over a hot gas stove, you can get an unpleasant result in the form of a change in their color.

Dry steam in a Russian bath allows you to achieve excellent results. To obtain excellent material for a winter bouquet, plants are sent to the bathhouse 3-4 hours after it is heated.

Good advice: before drying, it is better to place all parts of the plant in water with added glycerin for several hours. Despite the fact that their color will change, acquiring a brownish tint, after drying, the material for the bouquet will remain elastic and flexible. And, curiously, even after a few years this quality will not be lost.

In total, it takes 3 to 4 weeks to prepare plants for a winter bouquet. During this time, you should prepare a place for the future composition and purchase a suitable container for it, the style of which will organically fit into the interior.

By the way, in the online store it is not difficult to choose magnificent vases in which ready-made winter bouquets will become the most striking element of your home decor.

Author: Anna Iancu

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