7 myths about drinking water that it’s time to bust

Does water have an expiration date?

The shelf life of bottled water is set by the manufacturer and depends on the composition and properties of the container.
To get the expected benefits, you must take these parameters into account, as well as follow storage rules.

In law

The law regulates quality using standards:


The marking is indicated on the label and contains the information:

  • Name;
  • carbonated or non-carbonated;
  • group of mineral water, which is determined based on the composition and region of production (hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium, hydrocarbonate sodium, sulfate-bicarbonate magnesium-sodium). Affiliation is determined by special laboratories;
  • well number, field name;
  • details of the company that handled the spill;
  • volume;
  • purpose (dining room, medical);
  • mineralization;
  • storage conditions;
  • spill date;
  • ionic composition, concentration of biologically active substances;
  • medical indications for use;
  • document to which it corresponds.

For example, Essentuki-4 is a natural medicinal table chloride-hydrocarbon sodium, boric (salt-alkaline) drinking mineral water of medium mineralization.

Timing and types

KindsExpiration dates
FridgeAt room tBefore opening (months)After opening (days)
Bottled3-243-24 (months)3-243-5
19 l bottles243-5
Keyup to 2 days1 day
Boiledup to 2 days1 day
Purifiedup to 2 days1 day
For injection484848


Bottled is a liquid of different purposes, bottled for ease of sale through retail chains. May be:

  1. Drinking. It is actively purchased by commercial and government organizations, and children's institutions where it is not possible to install a stationary filter for cleaning. For 19-liter models, a cooler is used - an easy-to-use device that does not require special maintenance.
  2. Carbonated.
  3. Mineral.
  4. Distilled. Obtained by distillation through a special apparatus. This is a liquid purified from salts and microelements, with properties similar to melt water from mountain peaks. Used for drinking and in industry.
  5. Deionized. Purified from impurity ions, it is considered one of the safest varieties, but may contain non-ionic components.

Bottled is bottled in volumes from 0.33 to 19 liters. The material can be glass or plastic. The latter has a significant impact on the shelf life of the contents. It deteriorates and begins to release dangerous chemicals.

IMPORTANT! Microplastic particles, along with liquid, enter the body, producing a toxic and carcinogenic effect. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the temporary standards indicated by the manufacturer.

Mineral water is considered more useful, enriched with salts, biologically active components, and microelements. Divided by:

  1. Dining room. Can be consumed daily, sometimes with the addition of flavor accents, such as lemon.
  2. Medicinal. The composition is intended for the treatment of certain diseases. Must be used as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. For external use. Used for baths, inhalations, irrigation, rinsing during spa treatment.

Each of them has a specific shelf life set by the manufacturer from 3 to 24 months. If the conditions are met, all properties correspond to the original ones.

IMPORTANT! Long-term storage leads to denaturation of the liquid, that is, a change in taste and properties.

The key is extracted directly from a healing source during a stay at a sanatorium-resort treatment.

It is not recommended to store it, as it is rich in microelements and minerals, flows in the natural environment and is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

Industrially, it is pumped and bottled in sealed bottles. Since interaction with the external environment is limited, the benefits last longer.

Boiled - water that has been disinfected under the influence of high temperatures during boiling, for example in a kettle. It is important to understand that in addition to microbes and bacteria, beneficial substances also die. Therefore, after boiling it acquires neutral properties.

Purified water means water that has passed through a filter or treatment plant. They can be installed directly on the apartment’s water supply system or used separately. They are adapted for chemical and mechanical purification of liquids. Cartridges must be changed regularly to ensure proper cleaning.

Water for injection is sold in pharmacies and is a sterile liquid without color, smell, or taste. It is used to dilute medications, powders, and moisten the material for dressings and washing wounds.

It is bottled in ampoules and bottles, packed in cardboard boxes. Use beyond the established storage period is unacceptable, as the sterile properties may be lost. The period is 4 years.


In order for water to remain good for as long as possible, storage rules must be followed.

Bottled bottles must be protected from direct sunlight and heating devices, since storage at temperatures above 30 °C accelerates the process of deterioration of plastic containers and their contents. The optimal temperature range is +5…20 °C. You also need to screw the lid tightly.

It is better to keep it open on the refrigerator shelf, since at room temperature after a few hours it will acquire an unpleasant taste and a musty smell.

As for water for injection, special requirements are imposed on its content, since it interacts with medications. It should be kept in the original packaging, in a dark, cool place.

Is it possible to drink expired

There will be no immediate negative effect or poisoning from drinking expired water. Mineral water will lose its beneficial properties and will not have the expected healing effect, and drinking water will acquire an unpleasant musty smell and taste.

Regular consumption can indeed lead to poisoning and pathological processes in the body, since the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms actively occurs in stagnant water, and expired containers contribute to this.


Water is the basis of human life and other living organisms. To maintain vital processes, it must be clean and fresh. Humanity has learned to purify and extend the shelf life of liquids, but you need to carefully select containers and track the date of spill. Glass tanks are safer and more environmentally friendly.


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Source: https://PoPravu.club/tovar/sroki-godnosti/prodovolstvennye/vody.html

How long can you store water in plastic containers?

Nowadays, water is often sold in plastic bottles. You can also find people delivering liquids in similar containers. Traders use plastic containers because they allow them to store water and other liquids for a long time.

Storing water in simple containers has a number of disadvantages. Among them:

Water may spoil.

It develops an unpleasant taste or smell.

There is a risk of dirt or germs getting into the liquid.

But the way the store stores water is different. Manufacturers use the preservation method to preserve the quality of the liquid longer. Among the well-known methods of preservation are:

Adding special substances (antibiotics).

The latter method of preservation is able to preserve the quality of the liquid longer than others. But there is one serious drawback - antibiotics can harm a person or reduce their resistance to diseases.

The other two methods will not harm a person, but water can only be kept until opened. Once opened, the gases and ozone disappear and the water must be used for a limited amount of time.

Shelf life of bottled drinking water 19 liters

How to store water? Until recently, such a question would have caused outright bewilderment and laughter. Why store water when you always have it in your tap – crystal clear and refreshingly tasty? You can drink it as much as you like until your teeth ache!

The daily water requirement for an adult is on average 2-2.5 liters

Now we have come to the point that tap water for drinking and cooking has to be purified by passing it through a filter, or we have to buy “spring” water in polymer bottles and carboys of various capacities. We store it in them. Is it possible to store water in plastic bottles?

Water from different sources can vary greatly in composition and content of various micro- and macroelements, aerobic bacteria.

To make it suitable for drinking, tap water is purified in several stages: mechanical filtration, sedimentation, filtration through a layer of sand, aeration, sterilization.

In this case, chemical reagents (calcium hydroxide, ammonium sulfate, ozone or chlorine) are used to help purify the water from the smallest suspended particles and almost all types of bacteria. However, the quality and taste of drinking tap water leave much to be desired.

When tap water sits for a long time, floating flakes, hard sediment, and a greenish tint often form. It is simply dangerous to drink such water.

How to store water

Returning to the issue of plastic bottles, according to manufacturers, it is possible and necessary to store water in them.

Bottled water production line

Plastic water containers are mainly made from food grade PET(E) (polyethylene terephthalate), which is neutral, meaning it does not interact with water and is harmless to health. The plastic markings can be seen - they should be embossed on the bottle. Sometimes you can find bottles made of PVC plastic (it is toxic) or melamine (not suitable for storing water).

Pay attention to the labeling of plastic bottles. The PET(E) mark means that the container is harmless to health.

The shelf life of water in plastic bottles depends on its quality and averages 6-12 months, so when purchasing, it is advisable to pay attention to the bottling date. For storage, it is better to choose a dark place away from radiators and heating devices, the optimal temperature is 20-30 ℃. Water should not be kept in open bottles for more than 5-7 days.

The shelf life of water in plastic bottles is 6-12 months from the date of bottling

tap water for storage and pour it into a glass, enamel or plastic (PET) container, let it sit for several hours (leave overnight), without closing it tightly, so that the chlorine vapors evaporate. Then the containers with water should be tightly closed and stored at room temperature (no more than 2-3 days) or in the refrigerator.

If you prefer to use only boiled water , then it is better to keep it in an enamel container under a tightly closed lid in small volumes, that is, do not boil it for future use.

How long boiled water can be stored depends on its initial composition and quality, and the degree of preliminary purification.

Boiling kills all bacteria existing in water, including beneficial ones, and when boiled water sits for a long time, microorganisms enter it from the external environment, so the effect of boiling is reduced to zero.

Do not store boiled water for more than 12 hours.

Well or spring water is best stored in glass or ceramic (clay) containers. When hermetically sealed, it can retain its natural beneficial properties for up to 3 years. Metal cans or barrels for storing water should only be enameled or coated with another neutral layer on the inside.

Choose proven sources of spring water, such water is dangerous to drink

What is structured water, how to obtain and store it

Now many people are talking about the benefits of structured water and its beneficial effects on the human body, down to the cellular and gene levels.

Structured water can be conveniently stored defrosted in glass bottles

Structural changes in the composition of water occur as a result of freezing or heating. Thus, British physicists recently stated that at a temperature of 40–60 ℃ water changes its properties and there is reason to consider this the second state of aggregation of liquid water.

At home, structured water is prepared by freezing in several stages:

  1. First, clean filtered water in an enamel container is placed in the freezer for a short time, until a thin top layer of ice appears. This edge is removed and discarded because it contains deuterium and tritium - heavy water that freezes at temperatures of 0.28–3.8 ℃.
  2. Next, the water is frozen to 2/3 of the volume, the remaining unfrozen water is drained. It contains ultra-light isomers that freeze at temperatures below −1 ℃, all salts and chemical impurities.

Source: https://contract37.com/srok-godnosti-butilirovannoy-vody-pitevoy-19-litrov/

Rules and terms of water storage

How long the quality of water in 19 liter bottles remains depends on the storage rules for such containers. On average, this is 6-12 months from the moment of bottling (see the label). It is better to keep the container away from heating devices and direct rays of the sun. Water will retain its structure at room temperature and in diffused light.

What is the shelf life of 19 liter bottled water if the bottle is already opened? It is believed that the water should be used within 3-5 days. But it is unlikely that such a volume will be consumed quickly. It is advisable to place the container in a cool place and if a lot of time has passed, it will be safer to boil the remaining liquid.

For your information. We use high-quality food-grade plastic, which is marked PET (E). It is extruded on the bottle and it is worth paying attention to this moment. Unscrupulous manufacturers package water in toxic containers labeled PVC or containing methylamine.

Tap water

How long does tap water last in a plastic bottle? It is pre-filtered and poured into bottles. They are left open to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Then the containers are sealed and used indoors for 3 days, and in the refrigerator for about a week.

Boiled water

Sometimes water is boiled for future use and left in an enamel container with a closed lid. Under the influence of high temperatures, microorganisms, both beneficial and harmful, die. If there are a lot of salts in the liquid, they settle to the bottom. The shelf life of boiled water directly depends on its composition and quality.

If water is used for drinking, it is usually boiled in small quantities and consumed almost immediately. According to experts, the shelf life of cold boiled water is 12 hours.

Mineral water

It is difficult to answer the question of how long mineral water can be stored, since its composition and purpose are different, as are the containers used. On average, this period ranges from 3 to 18 months (plastic packaging) or 24 months (glass containers). Each type of mineral water has an expiration date, which the manufacturer indicates on the label.

Water with a mineral composition is stored under certain conditions:

  • temperature regime +5-+20С,
  • twilight ventilated place,
  • lack of sun rays,
  • in a horizontal position.

If the mineral water is opened, then the shelf life of the water is limited to 5 days. When the composition contains organic substances, it should be kept in the refrigerator and its use is limited to a week. If all requirements are met, the mineral composition will be preserved in full. And such water is not much different from the original - the source from which it was obtained.

Advice. If the information on the label indicates “expiration date,” then denaturation of the product has already occurred, in which the composition and quality of the mineral water have changed. This product must be returned to the store.

Well water

What are the benefits of springs? A crystal clear source of moisture, saturated with useful minerals, emerges from the ground. Usually it is collected in large containers. But the long shelf life of spring water in 19 liter plastic bottles is questionable.

Shelf life of bottled water. kakhranitedy.ru

Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN) define vital elements, the content of which in bottled water is strictly regulated (iodine, fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.). Their deficiency or excess in drinking water leads to various diseases.

So, with a lack of calcium and magnesium, there is an increase in the number of deaths and the severity of heart disease, and with their excess, salts are deposited in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Over 65% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in conditions of iodine deficiency, which causes the development of congenital anomalies, increased infant mortality, decreased mental abilities in children and adults, and deaf-muteness.

Almost everywhere in Russia there is a lack of fluoride in drinking water, which causes the incidence of caries in more than 60% of children, and in the Komi Republic this figure reaches 90-98%.

All these necessary microelements are found in our water, so its consumption can serve as a primary non-drug prevention of a number of diseases.

What is the shelf life of your 19 liter bottled water?

The shelf life of our water is 6 months, but this does not mean that it can stand open for that long. We recommend storing water without pouring it from the bottle. The bottle should be kept away from heating devices, away from direct sunlight, with the lid tightly closed. It is advisable to use the water within 8-10 days after opening the cap.

Why do you need to ozonate water?

Water safety is the main criterion for its quality. We treat the water with ozone, which guarantees its absolute sterility. This does not affect the chemical composition of the water in any way, and the ozone itself disintegrates after 16 hours, enriching the water with oxygen.

Why can’t 19-liter exchangeable bottles be used to store other liquids?

High-quality food-grade material - polycarbonate, from which the bottles are made, perfectly absorbs odors, which are then impossible to get rid of; Untreated water leaves a microscopic coating of blue-green algae on the walls. This causes the bottle to turn green and become unsuitable for further use. We do not accept or exchange “green” bottles or “scented” bottles!

It has been noticed that the less of them is contained in water, the higher the risk of developing dangerous diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and caries.

For injection

Water for injection is a sterile liquid that is clear in color, tasteless and odorless.

It is obtained from drinking or purified water.

It is used in medicine for diluting drugs administered in the form of injections, infusions, as well as for dissolving powder drugs.

It is also used externally - for wetting dressings, washing wounds, etc.

Water for injection is packaged in ampoules or vials.

They can be made of glass or polymer fiber, opened and used under sterile conditions.

The shelf life of water for injection, bottled in ampoules, is 4 years.

Since this drug is a medicinal product, it cannot be used after the shelf life specified by the manufacturer has expired.

The reason for this is the reaction between the drug and container glass with the release of toxic products, microbial contamination of water.

This may affect the properties of the drug for which the drug is used as a solvent, and as a result, the patient’s health.

After opening the ampoule or vial, it is prohibited to transfer water for injection into another container.

The remaining water from the opened ampoule is used no later than 24 hours, since the liquid very quickly loses its sterility.

For further storage, the neck of the ampoule must be closed with a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

However, experts advise using a new portion of the drug for the next injection.

Water, it would seem, is such a simple and unpretentious product to use.

However, it can quickly lose its qualities if it is not stored correctly, and even become dangerous to human health.

In order for it to bring maximum benefit and retain its properties longer, you need to follow simple rules:

  • It is better to buy water, regardless of its purpose, in glass containers;
  • It is not recommended to leave water, especially mineral water and for injection, in direct sunlight;
  • It is recommended to store the product in the same container in which it was purchased - it is treated in a special way to maintain freshness longer.

However, you need to understand that bottled water, which is sold in plastic containers, has a limited shelf life once opened. As a rule, the period indicated on the container is three days.

But this applies to those cases when the bottle is tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator. If an open container of water is placed in the sun, it will begin to absorb a large amount of harmful components and become unusable.

Of course, this applies to small containers.

Bottled water

Where does bottled water come from and how long can it be stored? It is usually mined from a local artesian well. Next, it is cleaned of various particles and impurities and passed through a complex system of filters. Then comes the process of disinfection with chemicals or ultraviolet light. Additionally, before being sent to storage tanks, water can be enriched with silver ions.

When all preparatory stages have been completed, the purified liquid enters the filling and capping line. In modern enterprises it is automated, and personnel contact with water is limited.

When buying bottled water in small plastic containers, you should remember that after opening, the expiration date of the liquid begins to count. Typically, the manufacturer can specify a period of up to three days.

But you need to understand that storing bottled water for so long is only possible in a closed container and in the refrigerator.

And, if water in plastic bottles is exposed to the sun, it will absorb harmful substances in a matter of hours.

As for bottled water, which is popular among office workers, it is usually bottled in 19-liter containers. It is extracted from an artesian spring, packaged and distributed to organizations and retail chains.

Water in sealed plastic bottles can be stored for a very long time - up to one and a half years.

But you need to understand that even water from a source will become unusable under the influence of high temperature and sunlight. Plastic is to blame: it can begin to release components hazardous to health.

Therefore, the replacement of reusable bottles is the responsibility of companies supplying water in 19-liter containers.

The difference between mineral water and drinking water

Regular bottled water is plain water drawn from underground or surface springs. After extraction, it undergoes purification. Then it is supplied with all the necessary useful micro- and macroelements. salts in such table water are no more than 1 g per liter. It can be used for cooking. It is bottled in containers of different volumes - from 0.33 to 19 liters.

How to store bottled water

Water is the main source of life on earth. Naturally, it must be very clean and of high quality. Probably one of the main sources of “life force” is Lake Baikal. Its pure waters have many different properties. However, we will not consider them in our article. We'll talk about how long you can store an open water bottle. After all, a person is a creature that seeks profit in everything. And now water from the glorious lake can already be found on store shelves almost all over the world.

So, bottled water is usually obtained from an artesian well. It subsequently undergoes a series of cleaning measures. All impurities and particles are removed from the water and then passed through a filter system. After this, the liquid is disinfected. For this, chemicals and ultraviolet light are used. Before pouring water into prepared tanks, it is enriched with silver ions.

Only when all stages of preparation are completely completed is the water sent to the bottling and capping line. If production is automated, then the working personnel have virtually no contact with the liquid.

However, you need to understand that bottled water, which is sold in plastic containers, has a limited shelf life once opened. As a rule, the period indicated on the container is three days. But this applies to those cases when the bottle is tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator. If an open container of water is placed in the sun, it will begin to absorb a large amount of harmful components and become unusable. Of course, this applies to small containers.

As for large bottles with a volume of nineteen liters, they can be stored for a year and a half if sealed. Typically, this water is ordered for office workers. But recently it has become popular among residents of private houses and apartments. And all because the quality of tap water has deteriorated significantly.

But let's return to the issue of storage. So, a sealed container of water can be stored for a year and a half. However, it must be taken into account that even the purest water can lose its beneficial and taste properties under the influence of high temperature and sunlight. Why? Yes, because the container is made of plastic. Under the influence of the factors described above, it begins to actively release harmful components, turning clean drinking water into poison.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often do not indicate under what conditions an opened bottle of water should be stored. It is primarily consumers who suffer from such irresponsible attitude. This is why it is so important to store small, open bottles of water in the refrigerator. As a rule, drinking water in a bottle does not lose its properties for four days. Naturally, if the storage conditions were met. If more than four days have passed, then the water must be boiled before use. However, this should only be done if absolutely necessary. Ideally, it is better to buy a fresh package of water. As for large bottles, it is better to store them in a dark and cool room.

Remember that water that has already been boiled cannot be brought back to one hundred degrees Celsius. Otherwise, harmful metals begin to accumulate in it. Such water is harmful to health.

Finally, let’s add that bottled water comes in two types. The best is considered to be the one extracted from an artesian well. Water collected from a tap and subsequently purified cannot be called ideal. In fact, such water can be obtained at home.

But no matter what kind of water you drink, always remember that any liquid has an expiration date. It must be followed in order for drinking water to truly benefit your health.

Author: Gumerova L. Date of publication: October 20, 2020 Reproduction without the consent of the editors is prohibited.

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Unscrupulous manufacturers often do not indicate under what conditions an opened bottle of water should be stored. It is primarily consumers who suffer from such irresponsible attitude. This is why it is so important to store small, open bottles of water in the refrigerator. As a rule, drinking water in a bottle does not lose its properties for four days. Naturally, if the storage conditions were met. If more than four days have passed, then the water must be boiled before use. However, this should only be done if absolutely necessary. Ideally, it is better to buy a fresh package of water. As for large bottles, it is better to store them in a dark and cool room.

What and where to store water

The quality of water is greatly influenced by the container, storage location and temperature. Research by scientists has proven that the molecules of the materials that make up storage containers have different effects on the structure of water molecules. Therefore, it is important what the water is poured into.

It is recommended to store large amounts of water (for example, in the country) in wooden or ceramic containers. Thanks to their properties, water remains drinkable for up to 3 days.

Silver ions have a positive effect on preserving the molecular structure of water, and accordingly on its quality. Silver containers are the best for storing water.

Terms and methods of water storage

- The water should be absolutely clear - pour it into a glass container to make sure of this.

— Take a small sip of water. No foreign impurities should be felt.

Creation of an underground mushroom farm during BP.

We will choose a large snowdrift as a place for shelter.

American survivalists demonstrate a traditional method of extracting drinking water from a tree trunk.

Is spring water a good alternative to store water? Coolers with refrigerators. We always remind our clients that they should not confuse the shelf life of water in open and closed containers. — How long can spring water be stored and how to do it correctly? — Spring water quickly loses its properties, so it should not be collected for future use. In such containers, water is stored and retains its freshness longer without the addition of antibiotics. On the issue of long-term storage of drinking water, two patterns are clearly visible. The containers in which the water will be stored must be made of food-grade plastic. We are used to having water always at hand, it flows from the tap, it is in the refrigerator, plain and with gas. Water in plastic bottles should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 20-30 degrees. Pure, directly sweet, cooling, while in a plastic bottle stored in the refrigerator, changes for the worse occur after 10 minutes. Tap water can be stored for up to three years. Spring water. Although summer has passed, various disasters happen when there is no electricity or the refrigerator is broken.

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